Voucher Details

Accommodation & Breakfast for Two


Overnight stay in a Deluxe Room for two, including breakfast in Tapestry Grill & Bar. Sink into the pillows and feel energised the next ...view more

General Terms & Conditions
  • Voucher is valid for one (1) year from issue date and is not to be used in conjunction with any other offers or promotions.
  • This voucher is non-refundable, non-transferable, cannot be redeemed for cash and the full amount must be redeemed on a single occasion.
  • This voucher does not apply to special events.
  • Original voucher to be presented at Pullman Hotel & Apartments, no voucher re-issuance in case of loss or damage.
  • Advance reservations are required and advising of the use of gift voucher, subject to availability.
  • A credit card preauthorization or cash deposit will be required when you arrive at the hotel as a guarantee for any incidental charges consumed during your stay.

Accommodation & Breakfast for Two


Overnight stay in a Deluxe Room for two, including breakfast in Tapestry Grill & Bar. Sink into the pillows and feel energised the next ...view more

185 in stock

Your personalised message will be seamlessly incorporated into your gift voucher.

General Terms & Conditions
  • Voucher is valid for one (1) year from issue date and is not to be used in conjunction with any other offers or promotions.
  • This voucher is non-refundable, non-transferable, cannot be redeemed for cash and the full amount must be redeemed on a single occasion.
  • This voucher does not apply to special events.
  • Original voucher to be presented at Pullman Hotel & Apartments, no voucher re-issuance in case of loss or damage.
  • Advance reservations are required and advising of the use of gift voucher, subject to availability.
  • A credit card preauthorization or cash deposit will be required when you arrive at the hotel as a guarantee for any incidental charges consumed during your stay.